Bioenergía Andina - BEA

Nombre de tu organización:
Fundación INVAP
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Category 3: Solid Waste
Dirección de la organización: País
Nombre de la solución que ofrece tu organización:
Bioenergía Andina - BEA
Descripción de la solución que ofrece tu organización:
BEA transforms urban forest waste into biomass fuel to reduce the risk of fire and produce efficient and sustainable heating methods and products for low-income families in the city of Bariloche.
Descripción del problema (en 550 caracteres o menos):
Bariloche annually generates about 40,000 tons of urban forest waste that represent a significant fire risk, is wasted or incinerated in open air with its consequent greenhouse gas emissions. Historically, biomass has been domestically used as an energy resource to cope with weather conditions (annual average temperature is 8ºC), cook and heat water. About 4,000 families (16,000 inhabitants) do not have access to the local energy grid (gas or electric) to heat their homes.
Descripción de la innovación de la solución (hasta 550 caracteres):
BEA proposes an alternative approach to traditional practices that use native forest firewood in low-efficiency stoves. While we help reduce deforestation and gas emissions, we adopt a circular economy approach to transform available forest waste into fuel, to be burned in newly built high-performance stoves that perform with an 80% efficiency and that beneficiaries learn to build on their own with recovered materials. By using locally created biomass we are able to generate the same useful heat with 4 times less fuel.
Usuarios de la Solución:
Households,Urban Population,Microenterprises
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